Customer Comments And Validations
I received the specimen yesterday, and I'm very satisfied. I'm convinced
that for the money I had available to me, chances are, I could not have
gotten a better piece. So, let me know if you have available to you,
either Pena Blanca Springs, or Tafassassete (5-10grams). Thanks again
for the wonderful 3 gram piece of Murchison!!
T:O. 02.07.2008 15:43
LOVE THEM!!!!!! thanks.What are the compluimenatary stones? I will look them up today. I will do more business with you. I will go to your site today.
A. , So 18.05.2008 18:24
I'm very satisfied with my last purchase thanks,
L. , Mo 12.05.2008 22:37
They arrived in the mail today. They are all high quality specimens. Thank you very much. Thank you also for the complimentary CO3, DaG 998. It was a nice surprise. It is a pleasure to do business with you.
Best regards. R.B. 24.04.2007 01:23
Today I receive a parcel form You!Many thanks for add Ureilite Dho 836 it is
very kind :)
Thanks for transaction!!
Kind Regards
T. J.
Hallo Erich...
die Steine habe ich heute empfangen. Sie sehen
fantastisch aus! Ich werde jetzt eine weitere Bestellung bei Ihnen machen
freundliche Grüsse
A.Z. 18.04.2007 17:00
Dear Erich-san,
The meteorite has safely arrived today's noon. How nice it is! Thank you foe sending me such a nice specimen.
I am looking forward to your up date web pages.
yours sincerely, KO Fr 17.01.2003 17:02
der Meteorit kam heute an und wurde von den Kollegen schon sehr bestaunt. Die Rechnung habe ich zur Überweisung eingereicht (kann etwas dauern, weil er von der Diözese überwiesen wird.
Vielen Dank A. M Do 14.11.2002 18:34
Dear Erich,
Thank you very much for the meteorites; they have just arrived today here in Hawaii and they are beautiful!
Best wishes,
DT Sa 31.05.2003 08:00
The Prophesy Stones really surprised me! Do they contain something metallic/ore? They are so heavy! That was a pleasant surprise!
J 22.04.2003 06:03
Your Toluca arrived finally. It looks very good indeed. Thank you!
AP Sa 15.03.2003 17:19
Dear Erich, I got the bags of moldavites and the two bediasites which
you made up for me. They are perfect for my research. Thank you so much. ... SN Fr 14.11.2003 20:39
The meteorites arrived today! They're much nicer than I expected! Thank you for offering such excellent material...
JB Fr 18.07.2003 17:44
Wanted to let you know the meteorite arrived today and I am very pleased
with it. JS 03.07.2003 01:24
Habe gestern das Paket mit dem Fulgurit bekommen und möchte mich auf diese Wese nochmal ganz herzlich für den schnellen Versand bedanken! Auch die super-sichere Verpackung hat mich sehr gefreut!! Leider habe ich sonst mit Mineralien nicht sonderlich viel zu tun, aber wenn ich wieder einmal etwas in dieser Richtung suche, werde ich mich 100% an Sie und Ihren schnellen, sicheren Versand erinnern!
Also noch mal vielen Dankfür alles
Do 05.06.2003 07:56
I received the NWA 869 in the mail today and it was nicer than I remembered.
Thank you again, JP 25.02.2003 00:23
Just a quick note to let you know that my order for Lunar Impact Melt
Brecia just arrived safe and sound. It is a very
nice piece - thank you. BF Mo 25.11.2002 17:34
PS - the extra little DaG 262 piece is appreciated. I'm sure I will
be ordering more from you in the future.
HI have received your package today. All meteorites are beautiful,
especially eucrite NWA 769 - it has really large area and nice texture.
Even tiny nakhlite is very interesting through the microscope. Thank you
very much for these two free specimens - the "Santa Claus" gift ;)
I hope you will receive the money in the nearest days,
Fr 15.11.2002 22:08
Hello Erich,
the stones arrived today, they suit my wife's requirements, so everybody happy...
Thanks for the "extra" gift, we do appreciate it !
Kind Regards, François & Martine
Hi! I received the moldavite yesterday and it looks great! Will be ordering more soon. And thank you for such fast shipping.
thanks again,
... Ich danke Ihnen fuer die wunderbare Selektion und den
fairen Preis. Gerne werde ich wieder bei Ihnen einkaufen. AB 24.03.2004 07:31
Erich, I received the meteorites a few days ago. The HH 073 is awesome! I had no idea it has fusion crust and I must say I am very happy with it, and the DaG 055. Thank you for offering these fine rare meteorites, and I look forward to doing buisness with you in the future. sincerely, B. Thu, 6 Sep 2001 16:57:52
I received my package last week.
All 4 specimens were great, especially since they are
witnessed falls not easy to get. I am a very satisfied
customer (as always).
Best regards,
I got the mars meteorite in the mail yesterday. It's increadible! It's
bigger than I thought it would be! Thank you for sending it so promply. I
always get really excited when I'm getting a new meteorite and the wait is
almost painful ;) It makes a great addition to my collection. Did you get
the money order yet? If not, please let me know when you do. I worry. I look
forward to doing business with you in the near future.
Thanks again,
Thanks for the Moldivite! They were really nice thanks.
I would also like to buy herkimers and phenakite off you. Please send me more infomation.
Hi Erich,just got fantastich slice,you should get my cheque tomorrow,very kind of you to send item before my money arrived! You can quote me on your recommendations page! WIEDER,VIELEN DANK!!!!!!
I got the
meteorites yesterday but was very busy - they are great! Thanks
for the extra
'goodie' as well, I really appreciate it! If you
get any new material for
sale, please feel free to contact me. Thanks again!
J - 30.08.2001
Hi! I received the moldavite yesterday and it looks great! Will be ordering more soon. And thank you for such fast shipping.
thanks again,
"der Gibeon ist wohlbehalten
angekommen. Er ist wunderschön, so schön, daß es mir leid tut ihn nicht für mich
bestellt zu haben !!!"
-HI! My package arrived today, and I am very
pleased with the quality of the moldavites. I am sure that I will have great success
in selling these lovely stones, and that I will be doing business with you again
very soon! Thank you for the quick
response. K.O. Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 15:29:16 -0400
-Nochmals vielen Dank! Ich bin
mit der Ware sowie mit Ihrem Preis-Leistungs-Verhaeltnis ueberaus zufrieden und
werde sicher weitere Geschaefte mit Ihnen machen. Und ueber interessante
Angebote freue ich mich immer! Herzliche Gruesse NC Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000
17:15:51 +0100
-Yesterday I received the
specimen of Sikhote-Alin which I ordered.
Thank you very much. It is actually much better looking than in your
photo PB Date: 99-05-12
-"It is always a risky and formidable task to do business internationally and/or on the web, however it was very wonderful to deal with you and your prompt and reliable service. The items were exactly as described ... perhaps even better than expected .... and the quality and quantity were both excellent. There was confirmation of our order by e-mail which indicated that you were professional and reliable ... the arrival of our order verified that we were fortunate to have placed our order with you and your company. Thank you very much for such excellent service and superior products." Hayden H. Fink Date: 98-8-19
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