Meteorite Falls - Chondrites View a list of Meteorite Falls - Chondrites
Alfianello, Italy historic fallnice cut segments (W0 of course) GS $8, BB $18, LS $37 5.6g @$80/gr |
L6, Ash Creek ,
near Waco, Texas State/Prov/County:McLennan County, TX Date:15-Feb- 2009, fell 1 Latitude:31°48.3'N Longitude:97°00.6'W Mass (g):9500 Pieces:40+ Class:L6 Shock stage:S3 Weathering grade:W0 Fayalite (mol%):24.2 ±0.2 Ferrosilite (mol%):20.5 ±0.7 Wollastonite (mol%):1.6 ±0.2 Magnetic suscept.:4.91 Classifier:A. Rubin, UCLA Type spec mass (g):30.6 Type spec location:UCLA small part slices, some with black crust @$80/gr: |
H5 Fall 12-Oct-2006 |
in Feb 2002: (Fa 31) - complete individuals 14gr, 7gr, 6gr@$7.60/gr ; endpieces 9gr, 6gr, 3gr @$6.95/gr and thin slices, some with black crust: |
Bjurbole, Fall - H 4 Please ask for availibility (small to large fragments for very fair price) : |
Djoumine / Tunisia, Fall - H 5-6 Fell October 31,1999 - Meteoritical Bulletin No. 84 (2000) Shock stage S3, many shock veins, fresh material fragments, slices or cut segments 2.4gr $27; 8gr $65; |
El Hammami - H5 Fall In autumn 1997 maroocan nomads shipped a fragment of a meteorite that they claimed they would have seen falling a meteorite on 10th Aug. 1997 . E.Thompson , Thompson travelled with them in November of the same year to Mauritania and collected six fresh-looking stones totalling about 200 kg (indiv. masses of 80, 51, 30, 26, 8, and 4 kg) at the base of the El Hammami Mountains in Mauritania completely fresh looking fragments with crust: 14g sold, 19g sold, 123g, 256g, 1231g, 4132g $1.20/grcompletely fresh looking fragments without crust: 34g sold, 78g, 411g @ $1/gr |
LL6 , brecc. - Kilabo, Nigeria Fall fresh fragments of a fresh fall, which fell same day and almost same time as the Thuathe H4 Chondrite in Lesotho July 21, 2002 ultra fresh crusted fragments 3g, 11g, 19g, 134g @$8.70/gr |
Kunya Urgench - H5
Fall: June 20, 1998 17:25
hrs Turkmenistan Chondrite . Fragments $5/gr |
Mount Tazerzeit - L5 A single meteorite of appr. 110kg was seen falling by a seven-year-old Tuareg boy . Scheibe 38.13g 105x34mm max €85 Scheibe 8.3g €22 |
Moravka, Czech Republic
0,11g slice 8x12mm $28 |
Ourique, Portugal - H4 -
Fall |
Oued el Hadjar, Morocco, Djebel Bani - LL6 Nomads heard a detonation and saw a 1215.5 g stone fall near their tent. It is said that the stone was divided into many pieces and sacrified on an altar 2 weeks later during a wedding ceremony. More pieces have been found later by another team in that area. Mineralogy and classification ( A. Sexton, OU): olivine Fa30.0; pyroxene, Fs22.0; shock stage, S2; W0/1 2.45 grams US$ 43 5.6 grams US$ 90
Order: |
Portales Valley, New Mexico - H6 Loud whistles have been heard and smoky trails of lights were seen by locals in the sky near the town Portales, New Mexico; 63 meteorites have been collected, with a total of 75kg; the largest weighing 17.0kg. A 530g fragment went through the roof of Gayle Newberry's barn. It is an H6 chondrite showing an abnormal high number of massive, metal-rich shock veins; several pieces are even dominated by the metal, which displays a fine Widmanstätten structure on etched surfaces (average bandwidth 0.32 mm)
large highly aesthetic
slices of metal-rich portions, rich ask for special price: |
Park Forest, Chicago top quality, very fresh: found within hours of the fall!
52.55g, 55x35x32mm, top fresh individual, 90%crust, $60/g
sold (Note: I also have a larger complete "car crasher" individual with all (photo and authenticity) documentations of the car impact incident Bug Boxes: $ 10/ |
Tamdakht |
Thuathe H4 Chondrite in Lesotho, July 21, 2002 fell same day and almost same time as the Kilabo, Nigeria Fall ultra fresh crusted individuals 8g, 9g, 118g @$8/gr |
ZAG, Western Sahara - H3-6
Fall 4th or 5th of August 1998
It is said that nomads heard a detonation and saw a meteorite fall on a mountain in the vicinity of Zag, Morocco. More than 176 kg have been recovered and sold by local people to dealers. Classification and mineralogy (A. Bischoff and D. Weber, Münster): a regolith breccia (pers. comm., R. Wieler, ETH); olivine, Fa1.6–30.0, with peak at Fa19; pyroxene, Fs3.3–26.6 ; shock stage, S3, W0/1. thin nice slice 28g $68 thin nice slice 56g $120 |
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